Monday, February 20, 2006

Where it all ends....

After all the mass accumulation of past and new toys, I came to a point where I was lost and without hope. What was I doing? Why am I buying and spending on things which I hide and store in a pathetic storeroom or corner? There has to be a purpose... was it all for investment, self-satisfaction or pure appreciation for the beauty? I've decided... it's the last point... it's all for the purpose of putting it out on display and visual appreciation.

It's time to bite the bullet... I need a cabinet for all of it! But how, where, when, how much? Slowly but surely (while balancing by frustration with my continuing accumulation of toys throughout 3 weeks), I got verbal quotes from few parties (2 contractors, IKEA, MAXIMA) and came to a conclusion of one very seemingly shy or down to earth contractor, 'Ah Lek'.

After some major discussions and design blueprints, the day came 4th of June. It took 4 people to move the stuff up to the room and 3 people to install the cabinets. All in all, it was a labourous 7 hours excluding the cleanup and further self installation of the glass shelves which was quite stressful. I had to consider the height of the toys and had to play around with multiple glass shelves. My body ached, my fingers numbed and concentration fading fast. It was just too much. My brother, wife and friend even chipped in to help open up the toys from the packaging/boxes !! And in 4 hours, they only managed exposing a quarter of my collection!

Still as time goes by, the final picture began to appear. Soon, it will be revealed and soon it will be complete.

Updates : August 2006

Updates : February 2006


Updates : October 2005
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Updates : September 2005